The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Um , if you're at those schools or have access to meet with these companies , you're going to be able to build your brand . Um Ultimately , now everyone in society understands nil is big . I think it's not going away .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Um one of the things that I've learned over the years in teaching business and entrepreneurship is uh paperwork , makes the paperwork . And so now that Nil is , uh you know , a mainstay in the athletics to college athletics , as well as the high school athletics . We're trying to get the parents and the team around that young person to understand they need to be in business on paper legitimately .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

So we're gonna kick it off with the first question with Doctor Norris Dorsey , um Doctor Dorsey as a college professor . What is your stance on the business of NIL ? Well , how are you guys doing ?

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

So that's the second piece as far as an archetype . What I've seen is in the nil space . Uh brands are excited to partner with talent that are excited about actually doing the campaign .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Uh Doctor Norris Dorsey question for you . Um in your perspective on the business side of the nil , how important is it for parents to learn about the nil ? I know you touched on having contracts but you like , like Eric Nelson said , you have to have a team around .