The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Uh Doctor Norris Dorsey question for you . Um in your perspective on the business side of the nil , how important is it for parents to learn about the nil ? I know you touched on having contracts but you like , like Eric Nelson said , you have to have a team around .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Uh Stefan , you came back to your high school at , at Dorsey High school to coach . How has the landscape changed in the high school level in regards to nil in the state of California ? Um It's a beautiful thing is having this panel together because it kind of went through a little trickle down effect .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Then I got into college and then I got into high school . So you know what I say is that at the end of the day when I'm talking to parents about them choosing a school , never base it off of nil . Ok .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

So we're gonna kick it off with the first question with Doctor Norris Dorsey , um Doctor Dorsey as a college professor . What is your stance on the business of NIL ? Well , how are you guys doing ?

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

Um Stephan , how do you protect your student ale on the team ? Um in regards to the whole NIO landscape to focus on football , how important is that ? Um Everything sounds good that we've been talking about on this panel .