Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

Um , and because she's right , there'll be some , a I way off in the future . I mean , um , but the bigger thing that , that I see that to answer that question in that moment and in that environment is the end of celebrity because everyone's a celebrity . Now everyone's got a million followers or more , uh , you know , 200,000 followers .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

Yeah . Everything from celebrity is different now , you know , it should be paparazzi everywhere . It's not like that anymore .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

But , but the one thing I like is that it does give people the opportunity to not have a toxic boss and not have a toxic coworker and to make money on their own , which I love . And , um , and , yeah , and I think we , we went way too far in this country with kissing up to celebrities too . I think that's that , you know , we needed to put a kind of put a pin in that too .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

Um But now there's just so many and yes , you're gonna have the Rock and Beyonce and there's just people that are , have gotten the last donuts out of the box and you might still have a couple that might trickle through . But the for the most part , um you just , you know , one out of every two people is gonna in some way shape or form , be a celebrity , maybe even two out of three . So II I credit it to a lot of reasons , but I think that's one of them and then there's no money anymore because everything , everything is spread .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

There's only two left us Weekly and people , there's some other magazines but it's just not the same . Um , and then celebrities are posting pictures of themselves on Instagram and things like that or other people are . So , it's , there's a lot of reasons .