How Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It increases tumor growth and it decreases the sorts of molecules that suppress and combat tumor growth . So again , even low to moderate amounts of alcohol can be problematic for the sake of cancers . In particular breast cancers , epidemiologists and health specialists love to try and compare different substances in terms of how bad they are .

How Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And the two things are consumption of folate and other B vitamins , especially B 12 . You know , the the consumption of folate and B 12 has been shown to decrease cancer risk in people that ingest alcohol but not completely offset it . Why ?

How Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I want you to just emphasize that this statistic that there is a 4 to 13% depending on which study , you look at a 4 to 13% increase in the risk of cancer . In particular , breast cancer for every 10 g of alcohol consumed , that's 10 g per day . So that's one drink per day .

How Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , breast cancer in women has a relationship to alcohol intake and alcohol intake has a relationship to breast cancer in women . In fact , there has been proposed to be a anywhere from 4 to 13% increase in risk of breast cancer for every 10 g of alcohol consumed . How much is 10 g ?

How Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It also led to a lot of crime because it became a , a substance that a lot of people still wanted and that people were willing to break the law in order to provide or I should say to sell and provide . But the point is that the more alcohol people drink , the greater their increase of cancer , in particular breast cancer . And that's because of the fact that alcohol has these effects on cells that include changes in gene expression and cancer .