Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Let's to figure out , you know , what our group thinks that would think that might fit . And let's create a list of schools that , that fit sort of that overall profile of a kid that we're , that we've now known and met and , and come to , to familiarize ourselves with and that's from all the different aspects and all the different attributes both on and off the field . Um , and our school , every single college list that we give to a , to a family is gonna have division one , division two and division three .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Absolutely . So athletes to athletes is a , a comprehensive non-biased college prep program for student athletes . So we really have , have leaned into that college uh preparation , college counseling aspect of , of what every kid really needs when it comes to , to making that decision for the next step .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

There are , there are folks that um come from the private schools that , that have a lot of resources and there are folks that come from inner city schools that maybe don't and we want to do everything we can to try and create equitable resources at athletes , to athletes , for all the kids that we work with and make it as accessible as possible for anybody who can benefit from this . And so , you know , we're building out the the framework right now for an opportunity for schools , organizations , individuals , um you name it to be able to sponsor athletes um with , with partner schools and partners uh facilities that , that we're working with now , uh and give those kids an opportunity to sort of go through this , this , this counseling process that we have on , on a more 1 to 1 basis . Um And so again , it's just , it , it's our way of trying to , to sort of democratize that , that knowledge base and , and create as , as equitable of a resource as we possibly can .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

So , whereas a lot of groups will focus on recruitment and focus on placing you at these high levels or high places or , or that's kind of what they'll market to folks . Our principal concern is putting kids in their best fit school wherever that is at whatever division that is at whatever level that is , we're , we're not terribly concerned about what it looks like on the sheet . When we say , hey , you're all here are all the kids that committed to where they're going .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

That's great because it was the right fit for those kids . But what we're for , worried about and focused on is , you know , what can that school do for you to set yourself up for the next 40 years rather than just the next four whenever you're playing your sport ? Because the , the harsh reality of that situation is that as soon as you're done playing your sport , whether that's at the end of college or at the end of a professional career , 99 times out of 100 the next person you talk to when it comes to a job or a network or whatever , doesn't care that you played that sport at all .