Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

And I think a lot of that has to do with , you know , some , some issues with the recruiting process combined with the admissions process , which I know is something that you guys really focus on . You mentioned it kind of bridging the gap between a college counselor and a coach . How do you guys do that ?

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Absolutely . So athletes to athletes is a , a comprehensive non-biased college prep program for student athletes . So we really have , have leaned into that college uh preparation , college counseling aspect of , of what every kid really needs when it comes to , to making that decision for the next step .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Yeah . So all of our advisors are former college athletes . I think that's kind of a starting point as shallow as it sounds when we're working with teenage kids .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Um , counselors didn't really know what to do with them because the recruiting coaches didn't really know how to take into consideration all the different aspects that make up a college experience . And so we're kind of here to blend those two worlds together and , and provide an opportunity for these kids to make a decision that benefits them academically , athletically , socially and financially totally . And , and that's all fantastic .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Yeah , definitely . And I , you know , on top of all of that , the the primary thing that stood out to me when I was looking into you guys was this idea of , you know , it's athletes to athletes and it's athletes , coaching athletes . But it seemed to me like the college counseling aspect of it was in my , like , more valuable even than , you know , the recruiting advice you're gonna get because , you know , I mean , the high school that I went to had really good college counseling and I walked in with my , you know , high and mighty .