Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Absolutely . So athletes to athletes is a , a comprehensive non-biased college prep program for student athletes . So we really have , have leaned into that college uh preparation , college counseling aspect of , of what every kid really needs when it comes to , to making that decision for the next step .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

That's great because it was the right fit for those kids . But what we're for , worried about and focused on is , you know , what can that school do for you to set yourself up for the next 40 years rather than just the next four whenever you're playing your sport ? Because the , the harsh reality of that situation is that as soon as you're done playing your sport , whether that's at the end of college or at the end of a professional career , 99 times out of 100 the next person you talk to when it comes to a job or a network or whatever , doesn't care that you played that sport at all .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

But what we're for , worried about and focused on is , you know , what can that school do for you to set yourself up for the next 40 years rather than just the next four whenever you're playing your sport ? Because the , the harsh reality of that situation is that as soon as you're done playing your sport , whether that's at the end of college or at the end of a professional career , 99 times out of 100 the next person you talk to when it comes to a job or a network or whatever , doesn't care that you played that sport at all . All they care about is can you do the job that they want you to do .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

But for all of our kids , you know what we do . And , and again , I think some other folks that , that work in athletics would , would think it's a little odd , but we tell all of our kids , you know , take the athletic component of what you're gonna do in sports , put it into a box and stick it up on the shelf . We're not even gonna talk about it for the 1st 3 to 6 months that we're working together .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

And this this thing that you've achieved to , to build towards a career or towards a goal that you could that you can benefit from for the next 40 years , man . Do that and , and give yourself that opportunity that this is the , the time to , to , to focus on that and to , to use that leverage because we tell kids , I mean , shoot they , and we talked , I talked about it a little earlier like it's sad to say , but the second you stop playing sports for that college or that school , it's amazing how many people do not care that you ever even played that sport . So while you have that leverage and you have that sort of extra tiebreaker in a lot of these in scenarios , use it , I mean , use it .