Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Absolutely . So athletes to athletes is a , a comprehensive non-biased college prep program for student athletes . So we really have , have leaned into that college uh preparation , college counseling aspect of , of what every kid really needs when it comes to , to making that decision for the next step .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

And so for me , you know , the visibility was there in a lot of aspects and , and I got to talk to a lot of schools from , from that way . So , um when I was going through the process , I , I made my decision for college entirely based on athletics . Um I looked beyond really any other thing that , that may have come into consideration .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Yeah . So all of our advisors are former college athletes . I think that's kind of a starting point as shallow as it sounds when we're working with teenage kids .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

We're not even gonna talk about it for the 1st 3 to 6 months that we're working together . Because our philosophy on that is if you really want to play college athletics , if you really care enough to play college athletics , nothing that we say or we do should be what you need to hear , to have the motivation to work hard when it comes to practice and when it comes to games and when it comes to preparing yourself , we're not here to convince you that playing college athletics is the right thing to do for you . That's your job in your own brain to decide that you want to do that because you're the only person that can motivate yourself to do that .

Navigating NIL Episode 8: Finding your fit

Um , counselors didn't really know what to do with them because the recruiting coaches didn't really know how to take into consideration all the different aspects that make up a college experience . And so we're kind of here to blend those two worlds together and , and provide an opportunity for these kids to make a decision that benefits them academically , athletically , socially and financially totally . And , and that's all fantastic .