So I didn't think I had as much growth as I possibly could have , but I had the most growth and I got it so much better when I was around people that were better than I was . And I was able to learn from them and just pick their brain on what helped them become so successful . It's a lot easier to , to push yourself when you're chasing somebody versus running alone .


So if you really want it , you have to match your actions with that passion . Yeah , I think something that my teams and I do to get the results and the success our team has is we compete with each other . Yes , we're teammates , but in practice , we're battling like we're playing against each other because you practice how you play and everybody wants to be the best in their sport .


I have set , you know , my priorities . I want to be a really successful athlete and really successful academically . And nil is kind of a byproduct's try to put my priorities in order .


They're a bit newer , but a lot of people , my teammates have experienced some NIO , I've experienced some other NIO deals as well and it's just a great opportunity that we've been given . You know , we've worked hard to be as successful as we can and we've earned the right to be compensated on that part . Um The only thing I focus on with nil is to not deter me from my goals .


So it was definitely a challenge . And then playing in the playoffs this year , we had great leadership , uh , people that knew what we needed to do to win and they really helped lead us in the right direction and unfortunately fell one goal short of a national championship . But we have that all have that experience that we can pass on to the next group .