Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It is all is not good and bad . They just are um the more you try to suppress cortisol , the more you suppress adaptation , what you want is exactly what you mentioned , large spikes met with large quick recovery and you wanna do that throughout the day and get that hor metic stressor . This is so going back to your Owa Ganda and Rodela issue .

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so again , to reiterate , if you don't need that , you shouldn't do it right . If you don't need to lower cortisol , you shouldn't walk around doing it , you're just going to suppress the state even far . And this is what's needed , this is needed for anabolic responses .

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you're modulating this response just because , and you have not done so because of uh actually biological testing that indicated you needed to do such , then you actually may be making things worse . And so um we , we see this constantly with people who take a number of supplements and substances for sleep and then they wake up the next morning , groggy and your , your cortisol suppressed . Ok , great .

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you wanna be intentional with these practices uh especially in the form of , of supplementation , be very , very intentional . I've heard it said that carbohydrates , in particular starchy carbohydrates can inhibit cortisol . And uh this could be through the uh tryptophan amino acid related pathway that ratchets up to uh serotonin release .

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok ? Because you , if you blunt cortisol , you're going to cause immunosuppressant especially early in the day . Totally taking before going to train is is counterproductive .