Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You will not see any progress from exercise training without a large spike in cortisol . It is critically important when we think of phrases like cortisol inflammation stress . This is not bad , right ?

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um Does that seem like a , a good sort of broad contour of how to have a healthy pattern of cortisol release ? Because you actually want the cortisol to reduce inflammation and initiate or participate in the recovery process . You will not see any progress from exercise training without a large spike in cortisol .

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok ? Because you , if you blunt cortisol , you're going to cause immunosuppressant especially early in the day . Totally taking before going to train is is counterproductive .

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you're normal though , then taking you down lower than that is actually problematic . The same thing is actually true since we're here for oxidative stress , foreign information , antioxidant use . Um We mentioned , I think earlier about taking vitamin C and vitamin E post exercise will actually blunt out of patients or at least it has the potential to do so , same thing , right ?

Fitness Improvement Requires Stress & Cortisol | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Right . So , um you know , I think we've all experienced this , uh you know , we're stressed , we're stressed , we uh it doesn't necessarily even have to be highly processed , you know , uh fat asso , you know , fatty carbohydrates . Um you know , like potato chips and , and potato chips and dip or these kinds of things .