So just having that , that mindset is really powerful for any individual . So my recruitment process was a little different than most . You know , my brother came here a couple of years before me .


Hey , let's , let's let's work this over . Let's do a little drill after practice and you can really grow your skills if you're willing to just ask for help from a teammate or a coach . That's been one of the biggest things because there's so many high end talented players that have come before me and are going to come at Michigan and being able to leverage um you know , their skills to help uh benefit myself have been , you know , really big .


So , um , it's kind of a no brainer for me to go to Michigan . I think when it comes to , um , the tangibles that coaches are looking for , when you want to get recruited to a school like Michigan , it's not necessarily , you know , the big highlights that come out with , with a play , it's a little intangibles , like being able to be a good teammate . So for hockey , if you're on the bench and you're being negative or you're complaining about a call against your team or you're not giving support to your teammates , like coaches and scouts can see that , uh , when they're watching the game and typically that , that's what they look for when they're trying to hone in on if they have two or three players in mind , they will look at those little details of a player and a lot of times if one player is doing , you know , those type of things , not on the ice but off the ice , they will sense that .


So , you know , holding that up is really , really important when it comes to , you know , picking a school . I think one of the biggest things is going where you feel most wanted . I think , you know , going to a place where you think you're going to develop the most being able to , to see and hear from , from coaches and see their ideology and their vision for you .


I think , you know , going to a place where you think you're going to develop the most being able to , to see and hear from , from coaches and see their ideology and their vision for you . A lot of times , you know , there is a lot of fluff that coaches can , can give you , I know it's difficult to kind of see through that , but , um , getting opinions from your family , your coaches , your advisor , but then eventually , you know , really having the self reflection to make a decision and know that that that decision is up to you and , and no one else and believe in your heart that you're , you're where you're supposed to be . So at Michigan , every year , we have so many high end talent that , that comes through so being able to learn from your teammates , I think has been the biggest thing that I've gained from being in Michigan , just being able to pick up from little skills that um players have of being able to ask questions and kind of bounce ideas off of your teammates is super important .