People can see my story , then I'm all for it . Some advice I would give to a young player who's trying to chase some division one scholarships is to just put yourself out there . I went to a lot of camps .
I know that I would always be able to have connections back to BYU that could help me later on as well as help me grow as just a woman . Um Some advice I would give uh a young player on deciding where to choose would be to really choose somewhere that fits your playing style . Um Don't look at the nil the gear , all that stuff , just really look at the people and how they play basketball .
Um So all my workouts are just um high intensity , um and every rep um had a meaning . So some advice that I have kept with me throughout my career is um to stay on the court , you gotta play defense . Um I kind of have taken upon that , um , and made it who I am .
So , um I would say having a good following on social media does give me confidence of just knowing that I'm building my brand and that I get to choose what I put out there . Um And what I want uh my followers to know about me or see um I would give or some advice I would give is to be real and genuine . I put a lot of things about my faith .
Um And so you're never disappointed , you know what you're getting into . I would say some things that I have learned through my first season of playing is just giving it 100 and 10% while you're out there . Um I was fortunate enough to be able to play some big minutes .