How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um And you wanna make sure you have a few standards in place with the exercise choice and some other things that we um we'll hit in just a second , but that's really the fundamental way of getting to it . Um making sure either that signal is loud enough or frequent enough to give the nuclei a convincing enough reason to spend the resources because you have to remember two things in order to grow new skeletal muscle , you need amino acids which are your uh supply . And then you need primarily carbohydrates as the energy source to power that synthesis process .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If , if red blood cell turnover needs to be higher or any of the other main , like tons of things that you need proteins for . So you have to be able to say like , are you sure you really wanna spend these resources and build it in a muscle ? Because once we do that , it's very difficult to go backwards , break them back down and bring the immuno assis back into that to that availability pool .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Remember , you're training a movement and now you're training a response and a muscle that causes the growth that's very , very different . So if we look at like the classic dogma , we have to basically challenge the muscle to need to come back in this case , specifically bigger and the nutrients need to be there to support that growth . Ok .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you have to convince your nucleus that one , invest those resources in energy , primarily carbohydrate . But number two , and more importantly , invest that supply , there's a ton of possible ways to get energy , but there's a very low amount of amino acids available and you need them for many more things than just taking your biceps from 17 inches to 18 inches . Right ?

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But when you put them together , that's going to take energy this is why we call that protein synthesis , right ? So you have to convince your nucleus that one , invest those resources in energy , primarily carbohydrate . But number two , and more importantly , invest that supply , there's a ton of possible ways to get energy , but there's a very low amount of amino acids available and you need them for many more things than just taking your biceps from 17 inches to 18 inches .