#RelationshipTip - Do This To Improve Your Relationships Instantly

Fourth , reflect back what you heard in your own words without judgment . So that sounds like if I heard you correctly , what I heard you say is , did I understand correctly if they correct you repeat the process , if they don't move on the next step , once you've moved on is to then validate , normalize and empathize . That sounds like if I were you or if I were in your shoes , I'd be thinking and feeling and behaving exactly the , the way you are now .

#RelationshipTip - Do This To Improve Your Relationships Instantly

Third , ask open ended questions . Fourth , reflect back what you heard in your own words without judgment . So that sounds like if I heard you correctly , what I heard you say is , did I understand correctly if they correct you repeat the process , if they don't move on the next step , once you've moved on is to then validate , normalize and empathize .

#RelationshipTip - Do This To Improve Your Relationships Instantly

That is not a figurative truth . That is a literal truth . If you were as crazy as they were or whatever , you'd be thinking , feeling and behaving just like them .

#RelationshipTip - Do This To Improve Your Relationships Instantly

Second , listen actively . Third , ask open ended questions . Fourth , reflect back what you heard in your own words without judgment .

#RelationshipTip - Do This To Improve Your Relationships Instantly

That sounds like if I were you or if I were in your shoes , I'd be thinking and feeling and behaving exactly the , the way you are now . That is not a figurative truth . That is a literal truth .