How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We look to all the other polls that , that do the same kind of work and regardless of where you look or who you ask or when you ask it , people's number one goal is something related to their health , right ? To , to lose weight , to exercise more to , to get out , get more steps for mental well being , physical well being and , and that's like the number one goal every January 1st . So if , if we were able to accomplish that goal , you think it would drop a little bit in the rankings ?

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But it doesn't because it's really hard . So we thought , I wonder if there's a way for us to make some progress on that , on helping people to exercise better , more often , stick to it longer and , and make some progress there . We know diets don't work and why why don't diets work for the same reason that , that self talk doesn't work is that , you know , we go in it full bore hardcore .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We helped them to move faster burn calories at a higher rate , right . Exercise more efficiently . The amount of time they put in is going to produce a better , uh , physical outcome .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so I wonder , can that help the rest of us who aren't competing for an Olympic Gold and who have no chance of ever getting one ? But who want to exercise better , have a better , have a better time doing it and maintain a commitment to that exercise goal that they might have that they might otherwise , you know , by February or March be giving up on if they had said it at the beginning of January . So that's really where the work started was , you know , what you might call like focus groups or case studies of these incredible athletes .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You know , you might see that finish line up ahead and there's things on the periphery , whatever your eyes want to do , whatever you think is going to work , best , feel free to do that and tell us what you're looking at , then we gave them a finish line . We created sort of , you know , an exercise that's moderately challenging . Um , but possible we put ankle weights on that , that accounted for about 15% of their body weight , told them to lift their knees up , sort of high stepping to a finish line .