How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh what's the link between vision and motivation and how can we leverage that in order to better reach our goals ? So , you know , we started thinking about what are the goals that are most important to people that they struggle with the most .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So people who are seasoned runners , they really start making a switch with what they're looking at about halfway through . Um And that's where they more often more frequently and are more intentionally adopting a narrowed focus of attention when they're in the last couple miles of a run when maybe the resources are starting to get more thin , maybe their motivation is starting to fade . That tipping point in the middle is with any kind of goal where people struggle the most .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , when they're running a short distance , that target might literally be the finish line , the line that they're trying to cross . It's a longer distance , they set sub goals like , you know , the person , the shorts on the person up ahead that they're trying to beat or they choose some sort of stable landmark , like a sign that , that they would pass by and like a spotlight is shining just on that or like , they have blinders on the sides of their face . That's all they're paying attention to .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Like they are elite and they are accomplished . But that visual strategy isn't necessarily something that you have to be in the perfect physical condition to be able to adopt . And so I wonder , can that help the rest of us who aren't competing for an Olympic Gold and who have no chance of ever getting one ?

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You can tell them about what the New York road runners runners are doing and just using the same language that I just use with you , right ? Imagine that there's a spotlight shining just on a target , choose , choose something up ahead the stop sign two blocks up that you can , you can just see and , you know , imagine that you have blinders on so that you're not really paying attention to the people that are passing by or the buildings or the garbage cans or the , or the trucks that are on the road , you know , tune those out and focus in on that target until you hit it and then choose another one , right , Sort of recalibrate , choose the next goal . And so we would test like , can people do that ?