How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Like they are elite and they are accomplished . But that visual strategy isn't necessarily something that you have to be in the perfect physical condition to be able to adopt . And so I wonder , can that help the rest of us who aren't competing for an Olympic Gold and who have no chance of ever getting one ?

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's really narrowed scope of attention . And that was a strategy that they , that all of these elite athletes said that they used and those that were better rather than , um , you know , that then slower were ones that used it more . And I thought , oh , that's something we can play with , right ?

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So we were really excited about that , right ? Because it meant that this strategy , we could use it on people who are not elite athletes . It could be easily adopted a quick training session , right .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And the answer is yes . So when we start to look at what people who aren't sprinters who are accomplished , but who are more long distance runners , that's what we find that they do is that they , um , you know , they're using that narrowed attention strategy strategically and it increases in use . They use it more often as the race progresses and they really start to do this , you know , major switch um at about the halfway point of say like a 10 kilometer run .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What's going on on the side , who's behind them , who's in front of them , they probably have this like master sense , this master visual plan at any point in time . And that's what probably makes them elite . So when I started asking them , is that the case , do you , do you really pay attention to what's in your surroundings ?